Great ideas are all around us. We realize that technological innovation isn’t very valuable if it isn’t widely understood and adopted. The Awareness & Impact Genius Award challenges teams to develop and implement an awareness campaign focused on an impactful issue facing society.

Identify a Problem

Think of a problem within this year’s theme that your team can address through outreach and education. We’re living in an increasingly connected world, yet many critical issues facing society are not being addressed as well as we would all expect.  How can you make a difference?


Make an Impact

Now that your team has focused on a problem to address, it’s time to make an impact. Think about ways your team can inform the public on how they can help solve this problem. Hone your skills in social media, public relations, event organizing, and more.

Your efforts will be judged on the importance of your problem, the number of people reached, and the overall impact of your campaign. Think about ways you can document your success. Teams will submit an academic-style paper and short video outlining their efforts.